Friday, August 28, 2009

School's in Session... again

So, the first week of school.
That's pretty much all there is to say. It was just like every other first week of school I've ever experienced. The only difference is, I wasn't expecting much, so I wasn't disappointed.
I haven't found a teacher that likes me all that much yet, either. Usually there's at least someone who seems remotely interested in making me their teacher's pet. Not this time.
I do really like my Spanish teacher, though. She's fun and nice and all that important stuff.
Anyway, like I said, that's pretty much all there is to say.
Unfortunately, I've entered the stage where I actually want to do something on a Friday night, which makes my current situation suck because I can't drive, I don't have any money, and all my friends don't care about doing anything. Will someone go see a movie with me or something? I have $10, that's at least enough to buy a movie ticket.
I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound like a crotchety 90 year old woman. I should grow up.
Anyway, life is... well, pretty much life at this point. You cut your losses and get on with it.
By the way, does anyone have a good book recommendation? I have NOTHING to read. It's like wandering around in the dark looking for the light switch. Can anyone find me a really good light switch? Please?
Speaking of books, I really want to write one. I know it's a heck of a lot harder than it sounds, but I may as well get some ideas down while I'm young. I kind of know the general feel I want to go for, but I still haven't thought of a nice theme. I don't think I ever will anytime soon, either. It's kind of depressing, really. I have writer's block and I haven't even started writing yet.
Please don't make fun of me. It's kind of childish, I know, and a bit unrealistic, but if I want a career in English, what else am I supposed to do but write a book?
That's another thing I hate about loving English so much. It's the best subject ever, but it doesn't exactly have a great reputation. All the people who just want to go to college to say they went to college get English degrees. It's stupid, because I'm not like that. I love English. It's interesting, and it's the only subject I'm really good at anymore. I NEED English. It supports my fragile self-esteem.
Am I boring you? I'm sorry. I should just go to the library or something... do something beneficial to my education, since it's actually important now. I actually have to try, because I'm not as smart as I used to be.
This is the part where you all play your teeny violins while I sob.


Anna said...

I think you're onto something there! That was a great rambling essay, you should do Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. Has that been done already? You could do it in the stages of your life. And as a side note, most people that go to college go for something easier, like Family Studies, not English. You're smart. Don't forget it kid, but just in case, I have a teeny tiny violin waiting for you....

Molly said...

If your book is anything like your blog, I'll buy i

lissylouhoo said...

That's comforting. Now all I have to do is write one. I'm sure it won't be THAT hard.

Schmamps said...

Here's my take on it all. every teenager has feelings of worthliness and insecurity. The most talented and best looking athletes, the cutest blonde cheerleader, etc. At this age, everyone is insecure. Here's what I know: Since the day you came into our lives, we have been better people and have loved you more than you can ever know. We adore you and know that you are a gift from God! You write your book. No matter the content or the heighth of its success. You just write what you feel and leave it at that. Come up with a homely character. Some average guy or girl who has no visible talent. Make him the hero because of who he is, not how he or she looks. Make them a good listener. That is what you are and like Carrie, lives are lifted and inspired because you care enough to listen. Listen and love. You never know where someone is in their mind and what battles they are fighting. When you feel down, go do something for someone. It is like medicine or just makes you feel better. You are one of my heroes. I mean that! Don't put so much pressure on yourself to achieve greatness. Be great by being a great friend. The rest will fall into place. Read the B.O.M. at your pace. It doesn't matter if it takes you 3 years to finish. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon and you just have to finish. Life is the same. Just take it at your pace. Be good to people and love your family. I love you more than you can imagine. I'm not doing Scrooge. Next year, maybe. It's a long story and one that I care not to rehearse. Just know that I love you. You are in my heart and thoughts and prayers every day. PS...your shoes are cool. I like the idea of matching them up. It could be like a game show..."Who's shoe is it anyway.." or something! SCHMAMPS

Schmamps said...

by the way....we don't have a violin...Brady has an accordian...........