Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pet Peeves

These are a few things that bug me, since I'm in the mood to be bugged.

1. People who have no concept of personal space.
I know a person like this, and all the time I spend with her I am constantly on edge. I never know when she's going to touch my arm or get way too close to my face when she's talking to me. Whenever she does it I just want to punch her or like slap her face away. It's just a reflex reaction, I guess, but it really weirds me out. I can't concentrate on what she's saying to me because all my focus is going towards not whacking her face away...

2. Authors who put their name bigger than the title on the cover of their book.
This actually happened to me today.
I had finished my work in English and was looking over at this girl's book because I guess there was nowhere better to look... anyways, I was kind of caught off guard.
"Susan Wiggs is a funny book title, huh?" I asked Mental Alyssa, my special (ed) friend I talk to sometimes.
"Yes, it most definitely is, Alyssa." Mental Alyssa replied.
Then I noticed that there was more print on the book, but I had to squint really hard to see it. (Keywords in that sentence: SQUINT REALLY HARD). That was when I noticed that right under the ginormous SUSAN WIGGS was the actual title of the book: Just Breathe. I laughed right out loud.
"Woops," I mumbled to my Mental friend.
"Yeah, that was stupid of you," Special Ed agreed.
Seriously, how completely ridiculous is that? I can understand printing you name really big if you are a seriously well-known author, like Stephen King or Nora Roberts, but I've never heard of Susan Wiggs before in my life. I mean, these were some seriously big letters. If I had to compare, I would say that the author's name was printed in a bout a size 48 font and the title was probably a size 18. It was just weird...

3. People who figuratively slap you in the face.
You probably know a person who does this. A figurative slap in the face is anything a person does frequently that isn't actually slapping you in the face but is just as insulting and makes you just as mad. An example of this would be my sister, Abby. She figuratively slaps me by throwing her dirty clothes on my bed after she takes them off. She seriously does this every day without fail. And I'm really not exaggerating when I say that. She does it EVERY SINGLE FREAKING DAY. I'll wake up in the morning and notice that that horrible thing I've been smelling all night is not a dead animal, it's Abby's sock under my pillow. That was just one time, though. Most of the time it will just be a shirt or a pair of pajamas or something. I have to wonder if she does it intentionally or not... I mean, she does it so frequently that it's hard to tell if it's just a habit or not. I just wish she would throw her freaking clothes in the closet, whose opening is just a bit beyond my bed. Would it really be that hard??? Am I being ridiculous or would this bug anyone else, too???

Anyway, I could seriously go on like this for a long time, you and I both know. So, farewell for now, darling... Catch ya'll later.