Monday, September 20, 2010


How I Got to Be This Way
By Justin Moore (and 2 others (Rivers Rutherford and Jeremy Stover) who are equally accountable for the madness.)

I rolled my Daddy’s truck off the Dicksonville curve
After drinkin’ my fifth beer
And I fed hogs tryin’ to pay him off
For most of my senior year

I got my jaw jacked by a big ol’ boy
For messing ‘round with his girlfriend
She was tall and tight and she kissed just right
But I’ll never do that again

Yeah I’ve done some pretty stupid things but hey
I’m a little bit harder and
A whole lot smarter
That’s how I got to be this way

I’ve been kicked in the face by a horse
Cause I ran up too fast behind him
And I shook hands on a deal with a man
And found out he was lyin’

I’ve broken a couple of good girl’s hearts
Cause I’ve said I loved ‘em knowin’ I couldn’t
And I’ve given my heart to a woman
Who said she’d stay when I knew she wouldn’t

Yeah I’ve done some pretty stupid things but hey
I’m a little bit harder and
A whole lot smarter
That’s how I got to be this way

I’ve been bit I’ve been burned but I’ve lived and I’ve learned from it
I’ve made some mistakes but that’s what it takes
To make a man out of a kid

Yeah I’ve done some pretty stupid things but hey
I’m a little bit harder and
A whole lot smarter
That’s how I got to be this way

Yeah I’ve done some pretty stupid things but hey
I’m a little bit harder and
A whole lot smarter
That’s how I got to be this way

That’s how I got to be this
How I got to be this
How I got to be this way

Enough said.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Oh MY Gosh

I hate iTunes. For real. I know you're not supposed to be able to transfer music from your iPod onto your PC, but it's ridiculous that when you know how to do it, not all of your music even makes it onto your computer. It's like, "Oh, gee, thanks computer. You know, I didn't even want any complete albums on here. It's not like I paid for them or anything... Oh, wait. I DID. And you know what? I'm glad none of my very favorite songs made it on. I didn't like them all that much anyway, now that I think about it. Thanks for broadening my perspective a little. Now I'm forced to listen to my medium favorites." So now, lucky me gets to buy all brand new songs or figure out some way to email the others to myself.
Did I mention how technologically challenged I am to begin with? I know next to nothing about computers; Grandma Helen probably knows more than me. I'm pathetic when it comes to them. So, needless to say, this is going to be a much bigger challenge than I originally thought.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


What an onomatopoeia! But it does express very well how I've been feeling recently. I'm just so restless lately. I don't know what or why it is, but I just get frustrated so easily. It's like the day has just barely begun and I'm already at the end of my rope. I have zero tolerance for anything... I can't sit still for 10 minutes, I have to get up and pace and then sit back down... then get up and pace again, go clean something, then pace then sit then groan then bang my heasd against a wall.
You know, this has happened to me before... I think it's some combination of stress and anxiety and me being unssatisfied with life, which I am. Well, that, and the fact that the disc of Friends episodes we got from the library is scratched and so I can't watch any of the episodes...
That's not the real problem, though. I think I just need some change, or something exciting or interesting to happen. And I'm not talking about the crazy lad y who goes to the grocery store in nothing but her underwear. That's interesting, for sure, but I mean something... ground-breaking(?)... or I don't know... maybe something that would help me gain some perspective. Something new. I'm tired of being so agitated and grumpy all the time. I wanna sing in the shower again, but lately I just haven't been in the mood....
Any advice?
(Sorry. For my first post in 3 months this one sure isn't very cool.)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thoughts/on The Weather

Yesterday was the most beautiful day Las Vegas has seen for a long time. It seemed to me (and Elen) that the weather was trying to be a juxtipositon (and succeeding, fortunately.) The clouds saved us from being miserable. See, the clouds covered the whole sky, but the sun was shining just brightly enough to seep through them, creating this weird bright light that didn't hurt your eyes at all, but was so intensely white you had to wonder why it didn't. It was warm out, but there was just enough of a breeze blowing to keep it nice and cool. Essentially, it was hot and cold, sunny and cloudy. At the same time. It was some of the most amazing weather I've seen for a long time.
Come on, now WAKE UP already. Didn't mean to put you to sleep. (Sorry).
Anyways, I don't really have anything major to post but there are some things that have been pre-occupying my mind for a while now.
First off, 1910 seems like a WAY long time ago, right? They didn't have TV or cars or microwaves or other... things. Can you imagine the year 3010, when everyone will think about how deprived the people of 2010 were? It'll be hilarious. It just freaks me out to imagine that one day some teenagers will learn about the time that I was a teenager in some history class and be AMZAZED at our lack of technology. I can picture myself up in Heaven (cuz all good girls go to Heaven) laughing my head off but actually being kind of saddened...
The day will come when the music trend will change. It'll be weird for me to be the one popping in some Black Eyed Peas or Lady Gaga (Heaven forbid the day should come when I play that by my own free will) and telling my kids, "This is what was cool when I was your age," just the same way I get freaked out by Paula Abdul or Whitney Houston. (I mention these two because they are the tapes my mom still has from back "then").
Also, I dread the day when this whole bright-colored clothing trend will be over, because I am loving it. Will the day come when I will look like an old lady wearing bright turquoise? Will people joke about how I am "Stuck in 2010" the same way I joke with my friends about people being "stuck in the 70's"? Will it be uncool if I want to paint my house yellow and decorate it all reto? Will retro even be the same thing it is now when I have a house?
Do any of ya'll ever think about things like this?
Basically, what I mean by that is: Am I crazy by normal standards?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pet Peeves

These are a few things that bug me, since I'm in the mood to be bugged.

1. People who have no concept of personal space.
I know a person like this, and all the time I spend with her I am constantly on edge. I never know when she's going to touch my arm or get way too close to my face when she's talking to me. Whenever she does it I just want to punch her or like slap her face away. It's just a reflex reaction, I guess, but it really weirds me out. I can't concentrate on what she's saying to me because all my focus is going towards not whacking her face away...

2. Authors who put their name bigger than the title on the cover of their book.
This actually happened to me today.
I had finished my work in English and was looking over at this girl's book because I guess there was nowhere better to look... anyways, I was kind of caught off guard.
"Susan Wiggs is a funny book title, huh?" I asked Mental Alyssa, my special (ed) friend I talk to sometimes.
"Yes, it most definitely is, Alyssa." Mental Alyssa replied.
Then I noticed that there was more print on the book, but I had to squint really hard to see it. (Keywords in that sentence: SQUINT REALLY HARD). That was when I noticed that right under the ginormous SUSAN WIGGS was the actual title of the book: Just Breathe. I laughed right out loud.
"Woops," I mumbled to my Mental friend.
"Yeah, that was stupid of you," Special Ed agreed.
Seriously, how completely ridiculous is that? I can understand printing you name really big if you are a seriously well-known author, like Stephen King or Nora Roberts, but I've never heard of Susan Wiggs before in my life. I mean, these were some seriously big letters. If I had to compare, I would say that the author's name was printed in a bout a size 48 font and the title was probably a size 18. It was just weird...

3. People who figuratively slap you in the face.
You probably know a person who does this. A figurative slap in the face is anything a person does frequently that isn't actually slapping you in the face but is just as insulting and makes you just as mad. An example of this would be my sister, Abby. She figuratively slaps me by throwing her dirty clothes on my bed after she takes them off. She seriously does this every day without fail. And I'm really not exaggerating when I say that. She does it EVERY SINGLE FREAKING DAY. I'll wake up in the morning and notice that that horrible thing I've been smelling all night is not a dead animal, it's Abby's sock under my pillow. That was just one time, though. Most of the time it will just be a shirt or a pair of pajamas or something. I have to wonder if she does it intentionally or not... I mean, she does it so frequently that it's hard to tell if it's just a habit or not. I just wish she would throw her freaking clothes in the closet, whose opening is just a bit beyond my bed. Would it really be that hard??? Am I being ridiculous or would this bug anyone else, too???

Anyway, I could seriously go on like this for a long time, you and I both know. So, farewell for now, darling... Catch ya'll later.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Stupid Freaking Fish

The latest mistake of my life:

Christian needed to take care of a pet for a Scout's merit badge, and since Gracie is no longer with us (don't ask) my parents bought him some goldfish. When they got back from the pet store (Walmart version) they told us about these cool fiddler crabs they have there. One crab in particular was black while all the others were brown, and of course I was immediately drawn to the misfit. By the next morning, I had already picked out a name for the fellow (Napoleon Bonaparte. I'm gonna feel really stupid if I didn't spell that right) and convinced my parents that I was getting him. So, long story short, I blew 30 bucks on a fish bowl and all this crap for Napoleon, his lady-friend Marie Antoinette (YES, I know they're not from the same time period), Abby's crab (I don't think he ever got a name. He was just, "that one over there") and my other crab Gary Indiana (I wanted to name him Amaryllis, but that's a girl name). Also, Abby bought this really cool fat fish who she named Fredword.
Fast forward to today, keeping in mind I spent 30 bucks of my iTouch savings. They are all dead or dying. Marie seems to be doing okay, but I can tell that what's-his-name is on Death's doorstep. I don't know what went wrong. Honestly, I'm staring to think maybe we just got some defective fish. That's what you get for going to Walmart apparently....
So, the lesson I gained from all of this was never to give up what you want most (iTouch) for what you want at the moment (defective fish). When you make a decision like this (or any decision, I guess) always sleep on it. Because Napoleon Bonaparte did not seem nearly as cool the next morning when he was half-dead than he did when I first heard about him.
Just a word from the inexperienced and still learning. (i.e. ME).

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Coming Soon...

If you are Alyssa, then these are some things you are looking forward to this year....

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

February 12, 2010

I absolutely loved these books and I can't wait for the movie to come out! The Lightning Thief was the name of the first book, which leads me to believe that "they" may be making a movie out of all 6 of the books, in which case I wish "them" luck because "they" are definitely going to need it.

Fablehaven Book 5: Keys to the Demon Prison by Brandon Mull
March 23, 2010

I was super excited for this book until I found out that it's the last book in the series, and now I wait for the release with a mixture of anticipation and dread. Mull creates such wonderful characters and such a fantastic world that I don't know if I'll be able to go on without another Fablehaven to look forward to...
Just give me a moment, I'm having a bit of a hard time with this... *SOB*

The Hunger Games: Book 3 by Suzanne Collins

August 24, 2010

Words cannot describe how absolutely, delightfully excited I am for this book!!! I love all of the characters and the amazing story Collins has created in writing this series. Then again, this is the third book in the Hunger Games Trilogy, so unless Suzanne tries to pull a Paolini on us, then this is the last book in the series.
I really don't know if I can go on with this post. I'm becoming pretty depressed...

The Infernal Devices Book 1: The Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

August 31, 2010

This is the first book in a prequel trilogy to Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments. Cassandra Clare makes me happy because she is not attempting to finish any series'. Also, I'm really happy with her because she is writing a fourth book to her original Mortal Instruments Trilogy called City of Fallen Angels. I think it comes out in 2011 or 2012 so I've still got a long way to go...

I've decided that my favorite 2 weeks of the year are going to be the week of August 22nd and the week of August 29th, because of the release of The Hunger Games and The Clockwork Angel. Two sure-to-be amazing books coming out within 8 days of eachother! Woohoo!

(My third favorite week of the year is going to be the week of September 19th, and if you can't figure out why I'll write you off of my Cool People List. Yes, the CPL actually exists. No joke.)

In other news, millions of fans are continuing to be disappointed by this man:

Who should've had his next book out by now and continues to fail his anxious readers by not writing said book:

But instead taking time to write this book:

Which no one actually cares about.

And, yes, I know the Roman numerals are wrong in the above picture of Inheritance Book 4, which still does not even have so much as a release date almost 18 months after the release of Brisingr. In my opinion, I have every right to be angry. So far, no one has received any sign that Book 4 is even being written, although that's the impression that was given when it was announced that Brisingr had to be made into 2 books because it was so stinking long. So, my question is this: How come I've been faithfully waiting for almost A YEAR AND A HALF for a book that is practically a myth. And, I wouldn't have been able to get the above picture of said book if there weren't thousands of other Eragon fans waiting right along with me. I certainly hope Christopher's gotten plenty of hate mail by now, because I'm about ready to send him some myself. Hello, Paolini! Wake up and smell the coffee, mister! It's time to get moving, you and I both know it, so you might as well just face the facts and get writing, because you can't keep hundreds of thousands of people waiting forever! You can't just assume that everyone's gonna keep being all sympathetic and saying, "Oh the poor dear probably just has writer's block. I'm sure he'll get going soon." No! And what about this rumor that you already had half of book 4 written when you released Brisingr, hm? If that's true, then you're approaching your deadline, buster. It didn't take you this long to write the other 3 books, so what's the problem now, eh? I'm sad to admit it but I have absolutely no life besides books, and you are making my sorry existence much harder by not releasing your stinking book already! All I want is some kind of sign, something to reaffirm that this book is actually real and I will actually read it someday in the NEAR FUTURE. Not when I'm 40, I want this thing NOW. If that's too much to ask, then you never should've become an author in the first place.

Whew! Now that that's behind us... I'm gonna feel really bad if I just gave that guy a bunch of crap and it turns out he has some kind of life-threatening disease or something that's keeping him from writing... Oh, well, I guess....

Monday, January 4, 2010


Alyssa: minding own business, chopping veggies for soup

Gerk: runs in; Hey!

Alyssa: doesn't realize Gerkie is talking to her so continues chopping veggies

Gerk: Hey!

Alyssa: What?

Gerk: Hey!

Alyssa: Hey!

Gerk: Hey!

Alyssa: Hey!

Gerk: Hey!

Alyssa: HEY!

Gerk: silent

Alyssa: Wazzup?!

Gerk: Hey!