Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Alyssa's Spiel on Summer

Ah, Summer. The time of year every school kid looks forward to ALL YEAR LONG. Kids and teenagers alike think of it so often that they can almost taste it, smell it, reach out and touch it....
The real thing is a heck of a rude awakening.

Every summer is the same as the next, kids just forget how incredibly BORING it is in their longing for a world free of obligation. In truth, summer is long, hot, and boring to the point of exhaustion. Yes, that's right. Summer is so boring that it makes you physically exhausted- or is that just going to bed at midnight every night?
My point is that summer vacation is seemingly endless. All the days run into each other until summer is just one long day of TV, reading, showering at 2 P.M. (or not showering at all), video games, lack of sleep, and stress over the coming school year constantly hovering at the back of your mind.
All summer long, you can't stop thinking about the next school year. What will- insert grade here- be like? What new friends will you have? Will you have any classes with your current friends? What will you wear on the first day of school? Will your teachers all be morons? (probably). What clubs will you join?
This many questions simmer endlessly, until that feeling of anxiety builds in your stomach and you can hardly breathe. You fell as though you might faint. (okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but you get the point... right?)
Worst of all are the coming-to-school-in-your-underpants dream. The get-lost-on-your-way-to-class dream. And, if you're a true nerd, the pop-quiz-on-the-first-day dream.
In short, summer is one long, meandering pathway that can only lead to another long, agonizing school year, and, inevitably, another long, agonizing summer after that.

This has been Alyssa. Thank you and good day.


Anna said...

Ha! That was funny. Don't worry i still, as a grown up, have dreams that I can't remember the combination to my locker. Yes I;m sure, that's a metaphor for something bigger in life, like I'm not getting the combination right or something... :) Good luck. Practice your guitar as dad would say!

Molly said...

You're hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I can't remember the combination to my locker. Yes I;m sure, that's a metaphor for something bigger in life, like I'm not getting the combination right or something..
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