What an onomatopoeia! But it does express very well how I've been feeling recently. I'm just so restless lately. I don't know what or why it is, but I just get frustrated so easily. It's like the day has just barely begun and I'm already at the end of my rope. I have zero tolerance for anything... I can't sit still for 10 minutes, I have to get up and pace and then sit back down... then get up and pace again, go clean something, then pace then sit then groan then bang my heasd against a wall.
You know, this has happened to me before... I think it's some combination of stress and anxiety and me being unssatisfied with life, which I am. Well, that, and the fact that the disc of Friends episodes we got from the library is scratched and so I can't watch any of the episodes...
That's not the real problem, though. I think I just need some change, or something exciting or interesting to happen. And I'm not talking about the crazy lad y who goes to the grocery store in nothing but her underwear. That's interesting, for sure, but I mean something... ground-breaking(?)... or I don't know... maybe something that would help me gain some perspective. Something new. I'm tired of being so agitated and grumpy all the time. I wanna sing in the shower again, but lately I just haven't been in the mood....
Any advice?
(Sorry. For my first post in 3 months this one sure isn't very cool.)
Maybe it's because you are about to start high school. You probably aren't nervous but it's still a change. I think you should tell your parents to plan another trip with us, so you have something to look forward to. Or you could just come live with us, that would be fun too! Love ya!! Good Luck with school! -Annie
Sometimes life is just like that. You are bothered, but you don't know why. Sometimes I say to myself, "I'm just so ornery today," then I think, "Why?" and "No, I'm really not." I don't know why that thought was in my head. I just know that if I start thinking of all the things I'm grateful for and/or try to do something for someone else, the thoughts go away. Sometimes I am just too focused on me, me, me. You know? Sure do love you; no doubt in my mind you'll snap out of it soon. Gram XOXO
Lissy, just read your post. Are you feeling better? Did starting school help? Sometimes I think the end of the summer kind of drags, just like the end of winter. You are waiting for a change in the weather or something to shift to bring something different. I don't know. I just know I'm really excited that I can wear jeans instead of shorts but still wear a short sleeve shirt. I was sick of all those summer clothes. And heat. (But you probably still have that).
I agree with what Gram said, though. Focus on someone else. When I went through a really hard time in college I moved in with Guy & ME and my dad said he was o.k. with me going because he knew they would make me serve. And they did. And it changed me. Quickly.
I think you're just wise beyond your years so you are on a different level than the other kids your age. But I know this. You rock and I love you! And I wish you'd post more so I could be entertained more often.:)
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