I'm sure everyone has a little tidbit to add to this one. I'm going to relate the most recent experience I've had in the passenger's seat.
The passenger's seat is a good place to be if you like to notice what people not only think they can, but actually can get away with when they are driving. The passenger's seat is good for that reason because the passenger doesn't have to concentrate on the road. The passenger can memorize the exact look the opposing driver has on their face when you unintentionally make them really mad.
I don't see why people think they can treat other people like crap just because they are driving in a car. FYI, people: When you are in a car, everyone around you is ALSO in a car! I'd like to give a brief example of a situation I've witnessed recently where drivers have been reluctant to this important (yet completely obvious) piece of information.
So here it is:
Susie was driving me home from school and we came to a 4-way stop. Yes, the classic 4-way stop. Always really entertaining. Now, I've never taken driver's ed, obviously, but I think I've heard my mom saying something once or twice about how the person going straight has the right-away, and if 2 people are going straight you alternate. If I could pick up that bit of info just by sitting in the passenger's seat, then wouldn't you expect someone who actually has their driver's license to know that? Unfortunately, most people here apparently didn't take any driving classes or something. So, anyways, we come to a 4-way stop and it's Susie's turn to go, so she pulls forward and then -SHOOM- Miss I-don't-care-if-you-have-the-right-away accelerates into the lane and Susie has to slam on her brakes. And, naturally, just to rub in the fact that she's stupid and just almost caused a car accident, Miss -whatever-I-called-her-before flips Susie off on her way past. How utterly charming... It didn't help that the girl in the passenger seat was my friend Nicole.
I am going to compare this example to bumping someone's cart at the grocery store. I know it's not the same thing, but do you think Miss disregard-the-law would have flipped Susie off if Susie had bumped her cart? NO, she wouldn't have, because she didn't have a sheet of glass (a.k.a. windshield) directly in front of her, protecting her from the face of shame. Seriously, I think having a windshield in front of them makes people feel like they can just be ignorant jerks and get away with it. And, unfortunately, they CAN get away with it.
I'm rambling. My point is, IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW THE RULES FOR A 4-WAY STOP, CHECK SOMEWHERE INSTEAD OF FLIPPING OFF SOME RANDOM PERSON WHO DOESN'T DESERVE IT. Okay? Seriously, people, just think for a second. Giving someone the finger shouldn't be your natural instinct. Check your facts first.
*No driver's were harmed in the writing of this post, although I hope no good driver's felt like they were being wrongfully accused or something. That was not my intention.
This has been Alyssa. Thank you and good day.
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