Dear Ginger,
Imagine my horror to wake up from a relaxing, post-finals nap to realize that it's 3:45 and I was supposed to be at the library an hour and a half ago. I don't know if you've ever seen M. Night Shyamalan's Signs,but if you have you will understand what I mean when I say it was proportional to the moment when the alien steps out of the bush on that newscast from Brazil. So, if charming analogies are the sort of thing that might make you believe in a person, then I hope that was a good one for you. In all seriousness, I never even thought of going to the library. I had just this ongoing mental To-Do list that I've been adding to and subtracting from all week and I was honestly more focused on "Study for Physics midterm" than any other item on the list, except, of course, "Fall into an exhausted sleep-coma for approximately two and a half hours." Well, we can check that one off the list, apparently. I really am sorry. I don't want you to think of me as unreliable or flaky, even though I've given you every reason to believe that that is the case. I wish I could remember the term for the psychological phenomenon that is spontaneously forgetting an important item on your mental calendar, but I've already taken my psychology final this week and I'd rather not re-visit that experience, if you know what I mean. Anyways, I hope you can have a little faith in me when I say that I will be there next week and I will take the world of library volunteers by storm with my dedication and devotion to the art of shelving uncatalogued items. Please forgive me!
Alyssa Roberts
P.S. If you haven't seen Signs, you could also think of the moment when Mr. Collins proposes to Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice. Or when Harry Potter realizes that the reason he can speak Parseltongue and see into Voldemort's mind is that he actually has a piece of Voldemort's soul in him. Just a thought.
So that's that. I hope you all find my misery as entertaining as I hope Ginger does.