Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bored and Hungry

Harry Potter and French Vanilla yogurt.

Try it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Latest Traumatic Experience

Okay, before I tell the story I should start out by saying that this happened a week ago but it's still my most recent traumatic experience, because I still shudder when I think about it. Also, some added info is that Abby broke our window about a month ago when she was trying to kill a bug. Oh, with her bare hand, I might add, which just proves how much sheer strength she has and why it really hurts when she hits you.

So anyways, I was on the phone one night, sitting on my dresser and when I ran my hand over the dresser-top I felt a sharp pain in my left index finger. (Oh, no!) When I checked, it just looked like I just had a cut or something, so I got some toilet paper and put some pressure on it to stop the bleeding.

I have to quickly inerject and point out that people who know me well know that blood freaks me out. Getting shots is probably my least favorite thing (not that I'm alone in that at all). I also hate learning in class about blood and circulaton and stuff. I almost threw up in Gym one time when they were teaching us about first aid and talking about broken bones and cuts and head injuries and stuff. Even the thought of any of those things makes me sick.

Brief Example:


Teacher: What would we do if someone broke their arm and the bone was sticking out?

Alyssa: (picturing it in head, shuddering)

Teacher: Would we just PUSH the bone back in?

Alyssa: (feeling sick)

Student: No, because that would do more damage to the arm, and you could also puncture a blood vessel.

Alyssa: (picturing it in head, shuddering)

Teacher: Good! That's exactly right! Now... (goes into some big lecture on how to make a temporary sling for the broken-arm person.)

Alyssa: (feeling even sicker)

Teacher: (explains in gory detail about all the kinds of different wounds (i.e. punture wounds, cuts, other stuff like that, etc. etc.)

Alyssa: (getting even sicker every minute as she pictures each thing in her head)

Teacher: Now, let me tell you about this one time when my son got his leg run over by a car and all the gory details about his mangled flesh.

Alyssa: (about to pass out or throw up, can't decide which) STOP IT! Stop the madness! (runs out of room screaming).

So, anyways, while I was putting pressure on my finger it would just have this sharp pain every time I re-adjusted my grip. So, naturally, I went crying to my mommy about it. She looked at it and said that she didn't think there was any glass in there. Apparently she knows nothing about cuts with glass in them, because when I asked dad, he said he thought there was indeed glass in there.
So, this is where the horror story starts. First, imagine some freaky music playing in your head. Okay, so now imagine your dad telling you that you have glass in your finger, but he has to use a NEEDLE to get it out. Then, imagine your dad using a needle to SCRAPE the glass out of your hand. Kay, so the only difference is, your just imagining it, but tit actually happened to me. And let me tell ya, it was no fun at all. I was hyperventilating and generally freaking out the whole time.
SO, good times, huh? ..........
I really don't know how to end this.

Also, I said it happened like a week ago, but I've been putting off finishing this post for a long time, so it really happened like 3 weeks ago.

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Anna's New Haircut

I was looking at hairstyles on the web today and when I saw this one I totally thought "Anna!" I don't know about you, but I think this would look really good on her and I think she would like the color. Anyway, maybe I'm just making myself sound like a total idiot, so if people could please comment and a. tell me what they think, and b. assure me that I'm not an idiot, that would be great.

Also, do you like the changes I made to the blog? I'm not so sure about the navy/brown thing, but it was easier to read than the shade of blue I had before. So I guess that's something else you people could comment about. Sorry, I'm practically giving you homework with all these comment requests. Sorry. Did I already apologize? Sorry if I did. Sigh...